Evelyn May PEARSE (*20 Jan 1889 +16 Oct 1924)

Husband 1 : Thomas Orren LABRUM
  1. +Orren Pearse LABRUM (*11 Feb 1912 +6 Jan 1990)
  2. +Eileen LABRUM (*4 May 1913 +1 Aug 1991)
  3. +Trevor John LABRUM (*1 Nov 1914 +27 Jun 1988)
  4. +Evelyn LABRUM (*6 Feb 1916 +13 Mar 1990)
  5. +Avon Ann LABRUM (*3 Dec 1917 +20 Nov 1995)
  6. +Mavis LABRUM (*9 Oct 1919 +5 Dec 1997)
  7. +George Wheeler LABRUM (*19 Oct 1921 +13 Feb 2000)
  8.  Melvin Pearse LABRUM (*24 Feb 1923 +25 Mar 1924)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[21433] [Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW]

BURIAL: Marker is in furthest Northeast section, towards the front road---mid
section. Family marker of LABRUM is directly west of plot.

Seal to Parents: 13 MAY 1947 SLAKE - Salt Lake

[21429] [S542] Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW

[21430] [S542] Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW

[21431] [S542] Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW

[21432] [S542] Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW

[56703] [S542] Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW