Father: Thomas Orren LABRUM (*15 Jan 1884 +28 Aug 1950)
Mother: Evelyn May PEARSE (*20 Jan 1889 +16 Oct 1924)

Trevor John LABRUM (*1 Nov 1914 +27 Jun 1988)

Wife 1 : Edythe Louise BLANCK
  1. +Maurine LABRUM (Private)
  2. +John Kenneth LABRUM (*30 Jun 1939 +26 Oct 1996)
  3. +Linda LABRUM (Private)
  4. +Ida May LABRUM (Private)
  5. +Leisa LABRUM (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                 _Thomas LABRUM ____+
                        _John George LABRUM ____|
                       |                        |_Elizabeth GEORGE _
 _Thomas Orren LABRUM _|
|                      |                         ___________________
|                      |_Ann Elizabeth WHEELER _|
|                                               |___________________
|--Trevor John LABRUM 
|                                                ___________________
|                       ________________________|
|                      |                        |___________________
|_Evelyn May PEARSE ___|
                       |                         ___________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[21450] [Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW]

Louise is the sister of Richard Player Blanck who married Avon.
From Pearse Book by Hyrum B. Wheelwright, pg. 96:
The new Bennion Utah Stake was formed 27 October 1974 by a division of
the Taylorsville Utah Stake of the L.D.S. Church. President Trevor John
Labrum of the Taylorsville Utah Stake was transferred as the President of the
new stake. This was the third time that President Labrum was appointed as
President of a new stake. Prior to being the President of the stake, John has
held other church positions, he was a Bishop and on the High Council.
On the 13th of October 1943, thirty one years earlier, he suffered two
fractured legs in an industrial accident. He was in the hospital forty days
and the doctors had told his father that there was no way he could live as he
had a "fatty embolism of the pulmonary system", and this phenomenon has a 97%
fatality rate. He did survive and has accomplished many things since that
After his initial lengthy stay in the hospital, he had to return to have
them drill the bone in the right leg in all directions, through the fractured
area to see if the bone tissue could be excited to grow. A fibrous union
occurred in the leg and in November 1949 he had a sliding bone graft. This was
successful and the foot was saved. In 1969 the screws that had been put there
twenty-six years before were taken out of the leg, because osteomelitus had
set in. A year later, they operated again for a cauterization of the area, to
clean out all the infection. This was again successful.
John and his lovely wife Louise have five children that have all grown to
maturity and are all married. Their children and grandchildren are a source
of joy and comfort to them.
John is now employed as Manager of the Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement
His life has been one of patience, service in his church and love for his

[21447] [S542] Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW

[21448] [S542] Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW

[21449] [S542] Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW

[56649] [S542] Ann Wheeler onwards.FTW