Father: Hugh Edgar LUTKENS (*19 Jun 1892 +12 Jan 1946)
Mother: Esther Jane LEPPER (*26 Jul 1890 +10 Sep 1976)

Pamelia Margaret LUTKENS (*30 Dec 1926 +1 May 2010)

Husband 1 : Alwyn William SAMPSON
  1. +Marguerite Helen SAMPSON (Private)
  2. +Malcolm William Hugh SAMPSON (Private)
  3. +Eric Shaun SAMPSON (Private)
  4. +Neill Clive SAMPSON (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                   _Julius George LüTKENS ______________
                       _Gustave Albert LüTKENS __|
                      |                           |_Maria Henriette Magdalena OLDENBURG _
 _Hugh Edgar LUTKENS _|
|                     |                            _Thomas ARNOLD _______________________+
|                     |_Julia Annie ARNOLD _______|
|                                                 |_Jane TINLEN _________________________+
|--Pamelia Margaret LUTKENS 
|                                                  _Thomas LEPPER _______________________+
|                      _John LEPPER ______________|
|                     |                           |_Charlotte Smith JACKSON _____________+
|_Esther Jane LEPPER _|
                      |                            _Thomas LABRUM _______________________+
                      |_Mary Ann Franklin LABRUM _|
                                                  |_Caroline FRANKLIN ___________________+

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[1906] twin with Patricia Lutkens

1928 sailed from Port Elizabeth to Southampton aboard the Usambara with her mother and sisters arriving on 18 June 1928. The trip was to see get Pam's hearing fixed, to no avail. Their expected address was 6 Cookham, Road, Maidenhead, Berks. This is the address of where Esther originally lived.

[1905] [S19] Allen Schultz