Father: Alwyn William SAMPSON (*31 Jan 1925 +12 Feb 2012)
Mother: Pamelia Margaret LUTKENS (*30 Dec 1926 +1 May 2010)

Neill Clive SAMPSON (Private)

Wife 1 : Sylvia

  1.  Jenna Pamela SAMPSON (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                            |                     |___________________________
 _Alwyn William SAMPSON ____|
|                           |                      ___________________________
|                           |_____________________|
|                                                 |___________________________
|--Neill Clive SAMPSON 
|                                                  _Gustave Albert LüTKENS __+
|                            _Hugh Edgar LUTKENS _|
|                           |                     |_Julia Annie ARNOLD _______+
|_Pamelia Margaret LUTKENS _|
                            |                      _John LEPPER ______________+
                            |_Esther Jane LEPPER _|
                                                  |_Mary Ann Franklin LABRUM _+

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[1940] Private