Father: Eric Walter MEANO (*27 Aug 1943 +29 Mar 1999)
Mother: Doris DAWBER (Private)

Teresa MEANO (Private)

Husband 1 : Dettlev Helmut Ludwig BöRNER

  1.  Kirsten BöRNER (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                 _Cherubino Felice MEANO _____
                      _Fioravanti Walter MEANO _|
                     |                          |_Dorothea Anna Elsa SCHULTZ _+
 _Eric Walter MEANO _|
|                    |                           _____________________________
|                    |_Erna Rita Emma SCHOOF ___|
|                                               |_____________________________
|--Teresa MEANO 
|                                                _____________________________
|                     __________________________|
|                    |                          |_____________________________
|_Doris DAWBER ______|
                     |                           _____________________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[25] Private