Father: Gustave Albert LüTKENS (*2 Jun 1862 +2 Apr 1903)
Mother: Julia Annie ARNOLD (*Mar 1858 +14 Nov 1924)

Cyril Baden LüTKENS (*6 May 1900 +1979)

Wife 1 : Dorothea Amelia WINSHIP
  1. +Winsom LUTKENS ( +1980)
  2. +Roger Stephenson LUTKENS (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                            _Julius George LüTKENS ______________|
                           |                                      |________________________
 _Gustave Albert LüTKENS _|
|                          |                                       ________________________
|                          |_Maria Henriette Magdalena OLDENBURG _|
|                                                                 |________________________
|--Cyril Baden LüTKENS 
|                                                                  _John ARNOLD ___________
|                           _Thomas ARNOLD _______________________|
|                          |                                      |_Elizabeth Jane OXFORD _
|_Julia Annie ARNOLD ______|
                           |                                       _Andrew TINLEN _________+
                           |_Jane TINLEN _________________________|
                                                                  |_Mary BRISTOL __________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[2335] Joan & Ernst Schultz stayed in their house in Nairobi and looked after Roger

[2330] [S200] Death Notice of Harold Arnold Lütkens

[2331] [S564] Natal Archives Repository estate file Reference. MSCE 17/85 (1903)

[2332] [S200] Death Notice of Harold Arnold Lütkens

[2333] [S746] , "," Database, Find a Grave (www.findagrave.com : accessed ), .

[2334] [S746] , "," Database, Find a Grave (www.findagrave.com : accessed ), .

[2336] [S24] Natal Archives Repository estate file Reference. MSCE 9861/1924

[2337] [S200] Death Notice of Harold Arnold Lütkens

[2338] [S562] Marriage certificate

[2339] [S562] Marriage certificate

[50544] [S562] Marriage certificate