_Thomas LABRUM _+ _John LABRUM ___| | |_Sarah STURMAN _ _Thomas LABRUM ____| | | ________________ | |_Eleanor WATTS _| | |________________ | |--Thomas LABRUM | | ________________ | ________________| | | |________________ |_Martha Ann CROSS _| | ________________ |________________| |________________
Complete list of names in tree
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[John&Elenor onwards.FTW]
The Labrum family came to New Zealand in 1865. Arriving in Auckland aboard the Ship "Bombay " on the 18th March. They had left Gravesend on the 26th November 1864 under the command of C aptain Sellars. The passenger list records them as Thomas Labrum, 45yrs, Mary Labrum, 44yrs , Ann Labrum, 14yrs, and Thomas Labrum, 7yrs. arrived in N.Z. on 18th March 1865 aboard a shi p named Bombay.
They were Government Assisted and came to New Zealand under the Waikato Immigration Scheme, 1 860-70's. This was a scheme where the government paid most of the fare and also gave an allot ment of land for the immigrants to break in and farm. There is a settlement sout of Aucklan d named Bombay which was pioneered by the immigrants who came to New Zealand on the ship Bomb ay.
At the Auckland Archives there is a government ledger which has the following details: - Loca ted Williamson Clearing, Great South Road, No 53, town lot at Pokeno. One Rood. Allotment N o 285 in Pokeno Parish of Mangatawhiri and County of Eden bounded on North East by allotmen t number 2881 hundred links. Declaration signed by Thomas Labrum.
He was only living there for a very short time. I first found him on the Electoral Rolls fro m 1869-71 Raglan: Thomas LaBrum, Drury Household, Dwelling, Runcimans township, Drury. It wou ld seem working for the railway was more appealing than farm work so I next found him on the 1 890-03 Parnell roll: Thomas Labrum, Remuera, Signalman.
Thomas was found dead at his home by his granddaughter Elizabeth Labrum. After an inquest th e Coroners verdict was cause of death - old age.
From the New Zealand Mail June 14 1895 the following notice appeared: Auckland, June 6.
'An old man named Thomas Labrum aged 74, signalman on the railways, was found dead in his h ouse. A verdict was returned of debility and old age.'
Thomas is buried in an unmarked grave. The Minister at his funeral was Rev W. Beatty, Church o f England.
Transcript Of Coroners Report of Thomas Labrum.
INFORMATIONS of WITNESSES severally taken and acknowledged on behalf of our Sovereign Lady th e Queen, touching the death of Thomas Labrum Senior at the dwelling house of Patrick Coone y ( Publican ) known by the name of The Juntion Hotel, situated at Epsom in the Provincial Di strict of Auckland, in the colony above
mentioned on Thursday, the sixth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety five befo re Thomas Moore Philson, MD one of the coroners for the said colony, on an Inquisition then a nd there taken on view of the body of the above named Thomas Labrum Sen, then and there lyin g dead, as follows, to wit:- Elizabeth Labrum being questioned, saith that I am daughter of T homas Labrum Jun who is a Platelayer in the Railways, and live in Remuera. My age is 8 years . Deceased was my grandfather, and lived by himself at Remuera. He used to go to his work i n the morning and I went to school during the day. I saw him this morning Thursday June 6th a t 6am. He was going into the yard for some water. I told him not to go out because he was no t well. He said he would rather be dead than alive. I did not see him come back and fell asle ep again. I rose about 8am and found him lying dead in his scullery. I started to cry and Mr s Nelson a neighbour came in and saw deceased. Several others also came in . signed Elizabeth Labrum.
Mary Ann Nelson being sworn saith, I am wife of Harold Nelson who is a Labourer, living at Re muera next door to deceased whose body I identify. I have known him the last 13 months. I las t saw him alive on Thursday June 4th at 9am. He was then in his own house. He had been ailin g for some days and was not able to go to his work. He was making mutton broth for himself. H e lived alone, except that he kept the last witness in the absence of her parents. He looke d ill and said that he was suffering from a cold. He said he had gone to a Doctor but I don t know who he was. Deceased was a very sober man. I never saw him on liquer. He used to go t o his his work all day and return home at night. I did not hear deceased moving last night. A t 8 o'clock am this day Thursday June 6th, I heard the child crying. I went into his house an d the child said her father was dead. On entering the scullery I found deceased lying o n his right side on the floor. He had on a shirt and coat but no trousers. There was no bed i n the room. I did not touch the body but had no doubt that he was dead. I sent to the Railwa y Station and informed Mr Hardwick, Stationmaster at Remuera. Hugh Noahes came instead and vi ewed the body and informed the police. I think the death was natural. Deceased wife has bee n long dead.
signed Mary Ann Nelson.
Hugh Noahes being sworn saith, I am a clerk at the Remuera Railway Station, and live at Onehu nga. I have seen the body of deceased this day at 8am. I was sent for by the last witness t o view the body of deceased, he lay quite lifeless, I did not touch him, but have no doubt th at he was dead. I did not observe any marks of violence on his body. I have known deceased th e last 6 years, during which he was connected with the Railway. He was known as a steady, con fidential employee. I last saw him alive this day week, he was unable to work. Inquiry was ma de about him daily. I don't know how he was affected. There is a medical man attached to th e Railway, but deceased would not have him sent for but said he would see one in town. I don t know whether he did or not. I don't think that his life was insured or whether he has mad e a will. I believe he came to his death in a natural way from old age. He was a native of En gland. I reported the death to the police.
signed Hugh Lionel Noahes.
Edward Lanib being sworn saith, I am a constable in charge of the Newmarket Station. I receiv ed the report of deceaseds death this day at 8:15am and went to his house at Remuera at once . I found him lying dead as described by previous witnesses. I found no marks of violence, si gns of blood. I have known him two years as a steady sober man. I last saw him alive on Monda y June 3rd in the Railway train. He looked very ill. I told him that he ought to be in bed . I searched his clothes and found four pounds seven shillings & nine pence, also a silver Ge neva watch. The house is decently furnished. He had a comfortable bed and good clothes. I fou nd no medicines or drugs. I believe his death to have been natural.
signed Edward Lanib.
Frederick William King being sworn saith, I am a member of the Royal College Of Surgeons Engl and duly registered and practise in Auckland. I have seen the body of deceased this day. I ha ve known him many years and treated him on various occasions mainly as for coughs and colds . I last attended him a month or six weeks ago. He was 74 years of age and had become very fe eble. He was a Railway Porter, and lived at Remuera on the Great South Road. I have not see n him lately and heard of his death this day Thursday 6th June inst. I have examined his bod y this day in
presence of the Jury. I could discover no marks of violence, his physical condition shows gre at emaciation. He had a large inguinal hernia on his left side the size of two fists. It coul d not be entirely reduced, but was not strangulated. He had ( I was told ) no vomiting or pai n. He was found by his granddaughter aged 8 years, by name Elizabeth Labrum, this day Thursda y June 6th at 8am lying dead in a scullery washhouse. I don't think I have any need of a pos t mortem examination. I believe he died of old age and general debility. There is no suspicio ns of poison.
signed F W King.
The above-named Depositions of Witnesses examined on view of the body of Thomas Labrum Sen o n Thursday the sixth day of June one thousand, eight hundred & ninty five at The Juntion Hote l, situated at Epsom written on six pages of paper, numbered consecutively from one to six an d by me affixed together, were taken and acknowledged before me, at Epsom, Auck in the said c olony, on the sixth day of June 1895.
signed Thomas Moore Philson, MD. Coroner.
Letter of Administration.
In the Supreme Court of New Zealand,Wellington District.
Thomas Labrum late of Remuera in the Provincial District of Auckland Railway Porter Decease d Intestate
In the Supreme Court of New Zealand Wellington District. In the matter of The Public Trust O ffice Consolidation
Act, 1894; and In the matter of The Administration Act, 1879, and In the matter of the rea l and personal estate of Thomas Labrum late of Remuera, in the Provincial District of Auckla nd, Railway Porter deceased, intestate.
Whereas it has been reported to the Public Trustee, and he has reasonable cause of belief, th at Thomas Labrum late of Remuera, in the Provincial District of Auckland, Railway Porter die d on or about the 6th day of June, 1895, intestate: and whereas as now known the real and per sonal estate of the said deceased is set forth in the schedule
or list thereof written on the third page hereof, and the gross value of the same as estimate d by the Public Trustee at this date does not exceed £250: And whereas no person has taken ou t Administration to the said estate: Now this is to notify to all whom it may concern that i n pursuance of the provisions of section 15 of The Public Trust Office Consolidation Act, 18 94, the Public Trustee being so entitled doth hereby ELECT TO ADMINISTER the property of th e said Thomas Labrum, deceased, particulars whereof as now known appear on the third page her eof.
As witness the hand of James Kemmis Warburton the duly appointed the Public Trustee for the t ime being, and the Public Trustee hath also hereunto affixed his seal of office this first da y of July, 1995 Signed: J K Warburton
Estimated Value
Cash: 4 : 7 : 9
Jewellery: 1 : 10 : 0
Wages: 1 : 10 : 0
Furniture and Effects: 3 : 0 : 0
Total: £10 : 7 : 9
[19376] [S27] Family Richard Labram G.O.O.N. England
[59825] ABBR Family Richard Labram G.O.O.N. England
[56502] [S87] St Cath. records
[59910] ABBR St Cath. records