Father: Rui FERNANDES (Private)
Mother: Marguerite Helen SAMPSON (Private)

Gareth Andrew FERNANDES (Private)

Wife 1 : Katherine SWANEVELDER

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                            |                           |_____________________
 _Rui FERNANDES ____________|
|                           |                            _____________________
|                           |___________________________|
|                                                       |_____________________
|--Gareth Andrew FERNANDES 
|                                                        _____________________
|                            _Alwyn William SAMPSON ____|
|                           |                           |_____________________
|_Marguerite Helen SAMPSON _|
                            |                            _Hugh Edgar LUTKENS _+
                            |_Pamelia Margaret LUTKENS _|
                                                        |_Esther Jane LEPPER _+

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[1963] Private

[51047] [S331] Facebook

[51048] [S414] Marguerite Sampson