Father: Henry Albert SCHREIB (*3 May 1891 +26 Aug 1958)
Mother: Pearl E THORPE (*5 Jan 1898 +20 May 1992)

Jeanne V SCHREIB (*ABT 1921 )

Husband 1 : Raymond S HEBING
  1. +Robert HEBING
  2.  Michael HEBING
  3.  Buz HEBING
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                            _Johann Adolf Christian Carl SCHREIB _+
                         _Heinrich Carl Friedrich SCHREIB _|
                        |                                  |_Johanna Christiana LIESKE ___________
 _Henry Albert SCHREIB _|
|                       |                                   ______________________________________
|                       |_Bertha YOST _____________________|
|                                                          |______________________________________
|--Jeanne V SCHREIB 
|                                                           ______________________________________
|                        __________________________________|
|                       |                                  |______________________________________
|_Pearl E THORPE _______|
                        |                                   ______________________________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[NF2458] City of Rochester Archives and Records Center
Historic Marriage Records Research Site Search Results
Year of Marriage 1940
Last Name Hebing
First Name Raymond
Middle Initial S
Spouse's Last Name Schreib
Spouse's First Name Jeanne
Spouse's Middle Initial
Volume 35
License # 87775

[30601] [S756] Sean Aucoin

[30602] [S755] Dorothy Schreib

[30603] [S720] 1930 US Census

[30604] [S812] Obituary of Pearl Thorpe

[30605] [S720] 1930 US Census

[30606] [S755] Dorothy Schreib

[51638] [S697] City of Rochester Archives and Records Center