Father: Frank Louis WOLF (*18 Apr 1924 +1 Jul 2000)
Mother: Joyce Eleanor GIFFORD (*12 Oct 1925 +20 Oct 2010)

Barbara Helen WOLF

[30510] Husband 1 : Donald TERAO
  1.  Stephanie Jill TERAO
  2. +Emily Frances TERAO
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                          _Louis WOLF _________|
                         |                     |______________________
 _Frank Louis WOLF ______|
|                        |                      _Frank Hiram BELOW ___+
|                        |_Helen Dorcas BELOW _|
|                                              |_Helen Dorcas BRYANT _
|--Barbara Helen WOLF 
|                                               ______________________
|                         _____________________|
|                        |                     |______________________
|_Joyce Eleanor GIFFORD _|
                         |                      ______________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[30510] [S753] George Blistain