Louis WOLF (*8 Oct 1884 +27 Oct 1971)

[30381] Wife 1 : Helen Dorcas BELOW
  1.  Unnamed WOLF (*29 Sep 1918 +30 Sep 1918)
  2. +Helen Dorcas WOLF (*8 Nov 1919 +11 Sep 2008)
  3. +Bryant Edward WOLF (*15 Oct 1922 +9 Jan 2009)
  4. +Frank Louis WOLF (*18 Apr 1924 +1 Jul 2000)
  5. +Joan Margaret WOLF (*6 Jan 1927 +14 Mar 2010)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
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Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[30382] Louis is one of several boarders in a household headed by George Goff. He is a civil engineer for a round house. The census image is an exhibit.

[30381] [S753] George Blistain

[30383] [S739] 1910 US Census