Father: Christian Friderich ABEL (*24 Oct 1736 +21 Mar 1777)
Mother: Charlotte Louisa KLASE

Christiana Sophia ABEL (*29 Mar 1770 )

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                         _Andreas ABEL ________+
                             _Christian ABEL ___________|
                            |                           |_Ilsabeth BöTTICHER _+
 _Christian Friderich ABEL _|
|                           |                            ______________________
|                           |_Elisabeth Dorothea GROTE _|
|                                                       |______________________
|--Christiana Sophia ABEL 
|                                                        ______________________
|                            ___________________________|
|                           |                           |______________________
|_Charlotte Louisa KLASE ___|
                            |                            ______________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[20822] baptized at home


[20819] [S185] Kirchenbuch, Evangelishe Pfarreampt, Bad Wilsnack

[20820] [S185] Kirchenbuch, Evangelishe Pfarreampt, Bad Wilsnack

[20821] [S185] Kirchenbuch, Evangelishe Pfarreampt, Bad Wilsnack