Father: Christiaan Hendrik GELDENHUYS (*14 Feb 1917 +13 Aug 1993)
Mother: Selma SCHULTZ (*29 May 1927 +2 Mar 2022)

Deon Peter GELDENHUYS (Private)

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                 |                             |______________________________________________
 _Christiaan Hendrik GELDENHUYS _|
|                                |                              ______________________________________________
|                                |_____________________________|
|                                                              |______________________________________________
|--Deon Peter GELDENHUYS 
|                                                               _August Friedrich Christian Johannes SCHULTZ _+
|                                 _Herman Adolf Willy SCHULTZ _|
|                                |                             |_Helene Henriette KOCK _______________________+
|_Selma SCHULTZ _________________|
                                 |                              ______________________________________________
                                 |_Maria Magdalena DU PLOOY ___|

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[3714] Private