Father: Douglas HOPE (*1 Jul 1915 +Jul 1984)
Mother: Erna SCHMECK (*18 Feb 1915 +13 Nov 2002)

Malcolm HOPE (*14 May 1943 +11 May 2011)

[3705] Wife 1 : Wesselina COETSER

  1. +Tania HOPE (Private)
  2. +Craig HOPE (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                |                             |______________________________________________
 _Douglas HOPE _|
|               |                              ______________________________________________
|               |_____________________________|
|                                             |______________________________________________
|--Malcolm HOPE 
|                                              ______________________________________________
|                _Frederick Carl SCHMECK _____|
|               |                             |______________________________________________
|_Erna SCHMECK _|
                |                              _August Friedrich Christian Johannes SCHULTZ _+
                |_Dorothea Anna Elsa SCHULTZ _|
                                              |_Helene Henriette KOCK _______________________+

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[3704] went to Canada

[3705] [S397] Wesselina Coetser

[3702] [S38] Malcolm Hope

[3703] [S38] Malcolm Hope