Father: Paul Wilhelm Adolf SCHREIB (*29 Mar 1882 +3 Apr 1960)
Mother: Anna Minna Ida PATH (*15 Jan 1888 )

Hildegard SCHREIB (*1915 +10 Mar 1966)

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                                   _Friedrich Wilhelm SCHREIB _+
                               _Johann Carl SCHREIB ______________|
                              |                                   |_Catharina Elisabeth FüLL _
 _Paul Wilhelm Adolf SCHREIB _|
|                             |                                    ____________________________
|                             |_Marie Friederike Wilhelmine MUHS _|
|                                                                 |____________________________
|--Hildegard SCHREIB 
|                                                                  ____________________________
|                              ___________________________________|
|                             |                                   |____________________________
|_Anna Minna Ida PATH ________|
                              |                                    ____________________________

Complete list of names in tree

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