Marie Friederike Wilhelmine MUHS (*2 Jan 1857 +1914)

Husband 1 : Johann Carl SCHREIB
  1. +Paul Wilhelm Adolf SCHREIB (*29 Mar 1882 +3 Apr 1960)
  2.  Albert Hermann Franz SCHREIB (*1885 +1906)
  3. +Robert Adolf Franz SCHREIB (*29 Sep 1887 +1914)
  4.  Otto Hermann SCHREIB (*1889 +1890)
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Complete list of names in tree

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[19024] daughter of:
Johann Jochen Friderich Muhs 1806-1865 (Vollhüfner zu Gülitz)
Marie Elisabeth Dorothee Philipp 1817-1902

Friederike Marie Muhs 1852-1853
Joachim Friedrich Christian Muhs 1858-1899 Verheiratet am 17. April 1893 (Montag), Berlin/Deutschland, mit Maria Theresia Kierschke 1852-1920


[19019] [S272] Dellermann chart

[19020] [S425] Ekatarini Lemm

[19021] [S671] Hubert LESCH

[19022] [S671] Hubert LESCH

[19023] [S671] Hubert LESCH

[50894] [S671] Hubert LESCH