Father: Barry Bevil DAVIS (*31 Mar 1920 +19 Feb 2003)
Mother: Inez Sylvia FRANK (*25 Mar 1927 +25 Aug 2014)

Nancy Annette DAVIS (Private)

[12626] Husband 1 : Calvin Ray SWEARINGEN

  1.  Marci Annette SWEARINGIN
  2.  Chad Alan SWEARINGIN
  4.  Kevin Ray SWEARINGIN
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                     |                          |_____________________________
 _Barry Bevil DAVIS _|
|                    |                           _____________________________
|                    |__________________________|
|                                               |_____________________________
|--Nancy Annette DAVIS 
|                                                _____________________________
|                     _Ferdinand William FRANK _|
|                    |                          |_____________________________
|_Inez Sylvia FRANK _|
                     |                           _Friedrich Carl Adolph ABEL _+
                     |_Hedwig Meta ABEL ________|
                                                |_Emma SCHULKE _______________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[12627] Private

[51223] [S928] Texas Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2002

[51224] [S926] Linda Mewis