Father: Wilhelm A ABEL (*15 Aug 1832 +10 Jan 1895)
Mother: Friedrike Augusta Dorothea Marie MEWIS (*22 Oct 1843 +14 Jul 1913)

Euphrosine Alwine ABEL (*17 May 1873 +31 Aug 1964)

[1092] [1093] Husband 1 : James Asmus KLUEVER
  1. +Ardone Dorothea KLUEVER (*23 Jul 1895 +1 Nov 1969)
  2. +Lillie Ray KLUEVER (*8 Mar 1898 +13 Aug 1987)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                                                  _Christian ABEL ___________+
                                           _George Christian ABEL _______________|
                                          |                                      |_Maria Elizabeth HITSCHER _+
 _Wilhelm A ABEL _________________________|
|                                         |                                       ___________________________
|                                         |_Katherine Dorothee Elisabeth KRüLL _|
|                                                                                |___________________________
|--Euphrosine Alwine ABEL 
|                                                                                 ___________________________
|                                          ______________________________________|
|                                         |                                      |___________________________
|_Friedrike Augusta Dorothea Marie MEWIS _|
                                          |                                       ___________________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[1096] Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Wife

[1099] Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Wife

[1106] Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Wife

[1092] [S978] GEDCOM file June 2023

[1093] [S379] Ancestry Family Trees

[1070] [S996] U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1700s-Current

[1071] [S933] 1900 United States Federal Census

[1072] [S992] 1920 United States Federal Census

[1073] [S943] Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1977

[1074] [S985] Texas Death Index, 1903-2000

[1075] [S982] U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989

[1076] [S987] Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982

[1077] [S953] Texas, County Marriages, 1817-1965

[1078] [S989] 1940 United States Federal Census

[1079] [S926] Linda Mewis

[1080] [S996] U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1700s-Current

[1081] [S933] 1900 United States Federal Census

[1082] [S992] 1920 United States Federal Census

[1083] [S987] Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982

[1084] [S989] 1940 United States Federal Census

[1085] [S926] Linda Mewis

[1086] [S996] U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1700s-Current

[1087] [S985] Texas Death Index, 1903-2000

[1088] [S987] Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982

[1089] [S926] Linda Mewis

[1090] [S996] U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1700s-Current

[1091] [S926] Linda Mewis

[1094] [S987] Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982

[1095] [S926] Linda Mewis

[1097] [S933] 1900 United States Federal Census

[1098] [S926] Linda Mewis

[1100] [S992] 1920 United States Federal Census

[1101] [S926] Linda Mewis

[1102] [S982] U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989

[1103] [S926] Linda Mewis

[1104] [S989] 1940 United States Federal Census

[1105] [S926] Linda Mewis

[1107] [S989] 1940 United States Federal Census

[1108] [S926] Linda Mewis

[53386] [S933] 1900 United States Federal Census

[53387] [S943] Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1977

[53388] [S953] Texas, County Marriages, 1817-1965

[53389] [S926] Linda Mewis