Father: Thomas FRANKLIN (*1787 +1864)
Mother: Ann WESTLEY (*1788 +1866)

Ann FRANKLIN (*1828 +1845)

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                       _Thomas FRANKLIN ___+
                    _Thomas FRANKLIN _|
                   |                  |_Sarah MYNN ________+
 _Thomas FRANKLIN _|
|                  |                   _James BALDWIN _____
|                  |_Ann BALDWIN _____|
|                                     |_Elizabeth KENDALE _
|                                      ____________________
|                   __________________|
|                  |                  |____________________
|_Ann WESTLEY _____|
                   |                   ____________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[8754] [S380] Parish Register micro fiche

[8755] [S380] Parish Register micro fiche

[8756] [S8] Syresham Bishops Transcripts