Father: Wilhelm Gustav HOLTZ (*11 Mar 1849 +6 Jan 1929)
Mother: Louise Marie Sophie ABEL (*8 Feb 1852 +14 May 1924)

Gertrude Anna Louise HOLTZ (*11 Sep 1894 +18 Sep 1978)

[48324] [48325] Husband 1 : Gustav WENDT
  1. +Earl William WENDT (*19 Oct 1921 +25 Jan 1976)
  2. +Delton Gus WENDT (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                            |                               |______________________________________
 _Wilhelm Gustav HOLTZ _____|
|                           |                                ______________________________________
|                           |_______________________________|
|                                                           |______________________________________
|--Gertrude Anna Louise HOLTZ 
|                                                            _George Christian ABEL _______________+
|                            _Johann Joachim Heinrich ABEL _|
|                           |                               |_Katherine Dorothee Elisabeth KRüLL _
|_Louise Marie Sophie ABEL _|
                            |                                ______________________________________
                            |_Catharina KöHN ______________|

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[48328] Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head: Daughter

[48339] Age: 45; Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Wife

[48324] [S978] GEDCOM file June 2023

[48325] [S379] Ancestry Family Trees

[48299] [S998] 1910 United States Federal Census

[48300] [S986] 1930 United States Federal Census

[48301] [S992] 1920 United States Federal Census

[48302] [S980] Social Security Death Index

[48303] [S1006] Texas Death Index, 1903-2000

[48304] [S979] 1940 United States Federal Census

[48305] [S1022] Web: Texas, Find A Grave Index, 1836-2011

[48306] [S987] Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982

[48307] [S943] Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1977

[48308] [S933] 1900 United States Federal Census

[48309] [S926] Linda Mewis

[48310] [S998] 1910 United States Federal Census

[48311] [S986] 1930 United States Federal Census

[48312] [S992] 1920 United States Federal Census

[48313] [S980] Social Security Death Index

[48314] [S979] 1940 United States Federal Census

[48315] [S1022] Web: Texas, Find A Grave Index, 1836-2011

[48316] [S987] Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982

[48317] [S933] 1900 United States Federal Census

[48318] [S926] Linda Mewis

[48319] [S980] Social Security Death Index

[48320] [S1006] Texas Death Index, 1903-2000

[48321] [S1022] Web: Texas, Find A Grave Index, 1836-2011

[48322] [S987] Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982

[48323] [S926] Linda Mewis

[48326] [S987] Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982

[48327] [S926] Linda Mewis

[48329] [S933] 1900 United States Federal Census

[48330] [S926] Linda Mewis

[48331] [S998] 1910 United States Federal Census

[48332] [S926] Linda Mewis

[48333] [S992] 1920 United States Federal Census

[48334] [S926] Linda Mewis

[48335] [S986] 1930 United States Federal Census

[48336] [S926] Linda Mewis

[48337] [S979] 1940 United States Federal Census

[48338] [S926] Linda Mewis

[48340] [S979] 1940 United States Federal Census

[48341] [S926] Linda Mewis

[53078] [S943] Texas, Select County Marriage Index, 1837-1977

[53079] [S926] Linda Mewis