Father: Francis JANSON (*11 Sep 1905 +17 Sep 1996)
Mother: Ethel Maude WILLIAMS (*20 Nov 1908 +11 Apr 2001)

Peter LINDSTRUM (JANSON) (Private)

[7254] Wife 1 : Jennifer Audrey SPINKS

Wife 2 : Beverly Joy ODGERS

  1.  Chris Francis JANSON (Private)
  2.  Sasha Hildeyarde JANSON (Private)
  3.  Ingemar LINDSTRUM (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                        |                        |__________________
 _Francis JANSON _______|
|                       |                         __________________
|                       |________________________|
|                                                |__________________
|                                                 _George WILLIAMS _+
|                        _George Henry WILLIAMS _|
|                       |                        |_Fanny AYRIS _____
|_Ethel Maude WILLIAMS _|
                        |                         __________________
                        |_Ethel JAGO ____________|

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[7255] Private