Father: Wilhelm Carl Franz SCHREIB (*6 Mar 1860 +5 Dec 1944)
Mother: Catherina Marie Ernestine FISCHER (*11 Feb 1865 +17 Aug 1950)

Anna SCHREIB ( +1943)

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                                       _Joachim Conrad SCHREIB _____+
                                      _Christian Carl August SCHREIB _|
                                     |                                |_Dorothea Elisabeth WICHERT _+
 _Wilhelm Carl Franz SCHREIB ________|
|                                    |                                 _Johann Joachim David ABEL __+
|                                    |_Louise Johanna ABEL ___________|
|                                                                     |_Dorothea Sophia WICHERT ____+
|--Anna SCHREIB 
|                                                                      _____________________________
|                                     ________________________________|
|                                    |                                |_____________________________
|_Catherina Marie Ernestine FISCHER _|
                                     |                                 _____________________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[6494] if the aerial bombing attack was 1943, it could have been on 3 August 1943 or 13 December 1943

[6493] [S307] Luise Partz in letter January 2000