Father: Frank Elmer SCHREIB (*4 Jun 1934 +2 May 1992)
Mother: Madeline K TOWNLEY (*28 Mar 1930 +29 Apr 1993)

Mary Helen SCHREIB (Private)

Husband 1 : Orville E LEIGH

  1.  James JOHNSON
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                               _Frank SCHREIB _+
                        _Elmer Jacob SCHREIB _|
                       |                      |_Mabel KOETH ___
 _Frank Elmer SCHREIB _|
|                      |                       ________________
|                      |_Isabel BRIMMER ______|
|                                             |________________
|--Mary Helen SCHREIB 
|                                              ________________
|                       ______________________|
|                      |                      |________________
|_Madeline K TOWNLEY __|
                       |                       ________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[29963] Private

[NF2673] certificate 131951

[51783] [S717] Texas Marriages. Family Tree Legends Records Collection (Online Database). Pearl Street Software, 2004-2005