Father: Robert John SCHREIB (*29 Jan 1920 +30 Mar 1962)
Mother: Pauline FERRON (*19 Aug 1912 +7 Jun 1992)

Raymond Edward SCHREIB (Private)

Wife 1 : Kathleen A RYAN

  1.  Linda SCHREIB (Private)
  2. +Emily SCHREIB (Private)
  3. +Rebecca SCHREIB (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                  _August Friedrich Wilhelm SCHREIB _+
                        _Raymond Herman SCHREIB _|
                       |                         |_Augusta DETTMAN __________________
 _Robert John SCHREIB _|
|                      |                          ___________________________________
|                      |_Kathryn Mae FRECH ______|
|                                                |___________________________________
|--Raymond Edward SCHREIB 
|                                                 ___________________________________
|                       _________________________|
|                      |                         |___________________________________
|_Pauline FERRON ______|
                       |                          ___________________________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[29826] Private

[51745] [S704] Nicole Meyer Schreib