Carrie SODEMAN (*4 May 1880 +8 May 1937)

[28696] Husband 1 : Fred SCHREIB
  1. +Arthur Edward SCHREIB (*7 Jan 1912 +16 Apr 1965)
  2. +Ethel Caroline SCHREIB (*27 Jun 1914 +Dec 1994)
  3. +Myra Frances SCHREIB (*14 Dec 1915 +13 Mar 1996)
  4. +Lawrence Clayton SCHREIB (*23 Sep 1918 +5 Jun 2005)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[28695] [
Roy A. ( Red ) Sodeman, related to Carrie, died 12-7-1991. Hiswife, Betty Jane
( Burns ) Sodeman died 12-20-1996.

[28696] [S703] Rochester.FTW

[28690] [S703] Rochester.FTW

[28691] [S703] Rochester.FTW

[28692] [S703] Rochester.FTW

[28693] [S704] Nicole Meyer Schreib

[28694] [S700] Russell Mechler

[51653] [S703] Rochester.FTW