Father: August Friedrich Wilhelm SCHREIB (*5 Apr 1858 +10 May 1924)
Mother: Augusta DETTMAN (*Jan 1862 +29 Oct 1918)

Edward H SCHREIB (*12 Aug 1888 +16 Apr 1941)

Wife 1 : Theresa Levina STRAUSS
  1. +Augusta SCHREIB (*16 Dec 1914 +3 Jun 2013)
  2. +Rita SCHREIB (*16 Mar 1918 )
  3.  Marie C SCHREIB (*21 Jul 1921 +2016)
  4. +Edward H SCHREIB (*10 Nov 1924 +22 May 2015)
  5.  Infant SCHREIB (*1927 +1927)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                                            _Johann Carl Christian SCHREIB _+
                                     _Johann Adolf Christian Carl SCHREIB _|
                                    |                                      |_Rosine Caroline RINOW _________
 _August Friedrich Wilhelm SCHREIB _|
|                                   |                                       ________________________________
|                                   |_Johanna Christiana LIESKE ___________|
|                                                                          |________________________________
|--Edward H SCHREIB 
|                                                                           ________________________________
|                                    ______________________________________|
|                                   |                                      |________________________________
|_Augusta DETTMAN __________________|
                                    |                                       ________________________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[28313] He and his wife died on the same day


[NF2547] City of Rochester Archives and Records Center
Historic Marriage Records Research Site Search Results
Year of Marriage 1913
First Name EDWARD
Middle Initial H
Spouse's Last Name STRAUSS
Spouse's First Name THERESA
Spouse's Middle Initial L
Volume 3
License # 14012

City of Rochester Archives and Records Center
Historic Marriage Records Research Site Search Results
Year of Marriage 1913
First Name THERESA
Middle Initial L
Spouse's Last Name SCHREIB
Spouse's First Name EDWARD
Spouse's Middle Initial H
Volume 3
License # 14012

[28308] [S703] Rochester.FTW

[28309] [S746] , "," Database, Find a Grave (www.findagrave.com : accessed ), .

[28310] [S771] Laura Schreib

[28311] [S703] Rochester.FTW

[28312] [S746] , "," Database, Find a Grave (www.findagrave.com : accessed ), .

[28315] [S771] Laura Schreib

[28316] [S703] Rochester.FTW

[51660] [S704] Nicole Meyer Schreib