Father: Johann Adolf Christian Carl SCHREIB (*25 Sep 1811 +5 May 1893)
Mother: Johanna Christiana LIESKE (*1822 +8 Mar 1891)

Auguste Johanna Caroline SCHREIB (*15 Jun 1853 )

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                                         _Joachim Ernst SCHREIB _+
                                        _Johann Carl Christian SCHREIB _|
                                       |                                |_ GRABAU _______________
 _Johann Adolf Christian Carl SCHREIB _|
|                                      |                                 ________________________
|                                      |_Rosine Caroline RINOW _________|
|                                                                       |________________________
|--Auguste Johanna Caroline SCHREIB 
|                                                                        ________________________
|                                       ________________________________|
|                                      |                                |________________________
|_Johanna Christiana LIESKE ___________|
                                       |                                 ________________________

Complete list of names in tree

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[27403] Schreib family on a passenger list coming into New York in 6 August 1872 on ship Lady Bowen

Schreib, Johann aged 55 male mason (he was actually 60!)
Schreib, Christiana, aged 50 female wife
Schreib, Johanna, aged 21, daughter (she was really 19!)
Schreib, August, aged 14, son
Schreib, Heinrich, aged 12, son
Schreib, Maria, aged, 8 1/2, daughter

Passenger lists 24 Jul 1872-13 Aug 1872 (NARA Series M237, Roll 363)

[27404] [S696] Holger Hartmann

[27401] [S704] Nicole Meyer Schreib

[27402] [S780] 1867 census

[27405] [S780] 1867 census