Father: Floyd Marion CARTER (*1 Apr 1919 +10 Apr 1976)
Mother: Thelma E MACY (*18 Jul 1919 +15 Feb 2017)

David Michael CARTER (Private)

Wife 1 : Susanne LATHAM

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                        _Joseph Floyd CARTER _|
                       |                      |_________________________________
 _Floyd Marion CARTER _|
|                      |                       _Martin Ernest Leopold STEINERT _+
|                      |_Dagmar STEINERT _____|
|                                             |_Emilie Elizabeth WALLIN ________
|--David Michael CARTER 
|                                              _________________________________
|                       ______________________|
|                      |                      |_________________________________
|_Thelma E MACY _______|
                       |                       _________________________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[26986] Private

[51605] [S692] Ancestry records captured by George Blistain