Father: Johann Joachim SCHREIB (*1788 +26 May 1858)
Mother: Maria Dorothea Margarethe SCHULZ (*25 Sep 1796 )

Marie Friederike Auguste SCHREIB (*29 May 1831 +20 May 1896)

1 : Children
  1. +Hans Moritz Alfred GARN (*8 Jul 1859 +12 Sep 1930)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                               _Hans SCHREIP _+
                                     _Joachim Ernst SCHREIB __|
                                    |                         |_ GOTTSCHALK __
 _Johann Joachim SCHREIB ___________|
|                                   |                          _______________
|                                   |_Anna Catharine BESMANN _|
|                                                             |_______________
|--Marie Friederike Auguste SCHREIB 
|                                                              _______________
|                                    _________________________|
|                                   |                         |_______________
|_Maria Dorothea Margarethe SCHULZ _|
                                    |                          _______________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[26749] The baptism record of her son, Moritz, has a note that she is entitled to use the family name Garn.

The marriage register of her son, Moritz, states that she was allowed to use the Family name Garn according to a court decision of 13 June 1878 (no. 1780)

Her death was reported by her son, Moritz Garn, and the register states:

"Sohn der Bett- und Federgeschaefts Inhaberin Maria Auguste Friederike Schreib, welcher nebst dem Vorbezeichneten auf Verfuegung des koeniglichen Polizei Presidenten zu Berlin vom 13. Juni 1878, No. 1780, gestattet worden ist, den Familiennamen "Garn" anzunehmen und zu fuehren; verstorben, wohnhaft"

"Son of the Bed- and Feathershop owner Mare Freiderike Auguste Schreib, who, besides the previously named was permitted to take on and carry the family name "Garn" per the edict of the royal police president of Berlin on 13. June 1878, No. 1780, deceased, residing….."

(Transcription and translation by Chrisa Miller)

64 year old, Protestant religion, resident of Berlin, Lützowstraße 18, born in Potsdam.
Daughter of the regimental cook Johann Joachim Schreib and his legally divorced wife Maria Dorothea nee Schulze, both deceased, the first residing in Potsdam, the latter living here.
in Berlin in her apartment, and in the presence of the reporting person.


[26745] [S425] Ekatarini Lemm

[26746] [S425] Ekatarini Lemm

[26747] [S425] Ekatarini Lemm

[26748] [S692] Ancestry records captured by George Blistain