Father: Johann Christian Gottfried SCHREIB (*1800 +1 Jul 1856)
Mother: Marie ESCHENBURG (*ABT 24 Sep 1801 +7 Apr 1845)

Emilie Maria Elizabeth SCHREIB (*1832 )

Husband 1 : Carl August Friedrich ALTENBURG
  1.  Bertha Minna Emilie ALTENBURG (*3 Nov 1853 )
  2.  Otto Moritz Erdmann ALTENBURG (*22 Sep 1870 )
  3.  Wilhelm Gustav Adolf ALTENBURG (*27 Apr 1873 +2 Feb 1945)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                               _Hans Joachim SCHREIB _+
                                       _Hans Joachim SCHREIB _|
                                      |                       |_Grabau _______________
 _Johann Christian Gottfried SCHREIB _|
|                                     |                        _______________________
|                                     |_Elizabeth KAPING _____|
|                                                             |_______________________
|--Emilie Maria Elizabeth SCHREIB 
|                                                              _______________________
|                                      _______________________|
|                                     |                       |_______________________
|_Marie ESCHENBURG ___________________|
                                      |                        _______________________

Complete list of names in tree

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[26366] [S272] Dellermann chart

[26367] [S272] Dellermann chart

[51538] [S692] Ancestry records captured by George Blistain