Father: Herman Peter Ernst MIELOW (*11 Jan 1877 +8 Jan 1917)
Mother: Lydia Sofie BJøRNSTAD (*16 Nov 1881 )

Zenia MIELOW (*29 Feb 1908 )

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                     _Daniel Frederik Gohlieb MIELOW _
                              _Carl Fritz MIELOW ___|
                             |                      |_Catharina Dorothea DAVIDSEN ____+
 _Herman Peter Ernst MIELOW _|
|                            |                       _________________________________
|                            |_Jenny Emilie MADSEN _|
|                                                   |_________________________________
|--Zenia MIELOW 
|                                                    _________________________________
|                             ______________________|
|                            |                      |_________________________________
|_Lydia Sofie BJøRNSTAD ____|
                             |                       _________________________________

Complete list of names in tree

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[25466] [S574] Helle Erbe Petersen

[25467] [S574] Helle Erbe Petersen