Father: Johann Adam SCHULTZE (*7 Dec 1747 )
Mother: Barbara Louisa FREYER

Hanna Maria Dorothea Friderica SCHULZ (*20 Feb 1773 )

Husband 1 : Johann Joachim WICHERT
  1. +Dorothea Sophia WICHERT (*1 Dec 1804 +2 Feb 1874)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                     _Christoff SCHULTZE __
                          _Adam Christoff SCHULTZE _|
                         |                          |_ SCHMüDE ___________
 _Johann Adam SCHULTZE __|
|                        |                           _Christian ZICKELKAU _
|                        |_Anna Eva ZICKELKAU ______|
|                                                   |______________________
|--Hanna Maria Dorothea Friderica SCHULZ 
|                                                    ______________________
|                         _Nicolaus FREYER _________|
|                        |                          |______________________
|_Barbara Louisa FREYER _|
                         |                           ______________________
                         |_Anna Dorothea ___________|

Complete list of names in tree

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[4473] Born at 6 in the morning near the Havelberg gate
The second daughter.

[4470] [S185] Kirchenbuch, Evangelishe Pfarreampt, Bad Wilsnack

[4471] [S185] Kirchenbuch, Evangelishe Pfarreampt, Bad Wilsnack

[4472] [S185] Kirchenbuch, Evangelishe Pfarreampt, Bad Wilsnack

[50588] [S185] Kirchenbuch, Evangelishe Pfarreampt, Bad Wilsnack