Annie Slater BEZUIDENHOUT (*AFT Aug 1865 +8 Aug 1921)

Husband 1 : George Thomas ARNOLD
  1. +Thomas Peter ARNOLD (*ABT 1898 +AFT 1927)
  2.  D'Urban ARNOLD ( )
  3. +Francis ARNOLD ( )
  4. +Georgina Fanny ARNOLD (*15 Feb 1902 +12 Apr 1949)
  5. +Henry Claude ARNOLD (*19 Aug 1905 +11 Feb 1973)
  6. +Wilfred Fisher ARNOLD (*7 Aug 1907 +12 Aug 1967)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
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Complete list of names in tree

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[21829] from Peter Gundry:
daughter of Pieter Hendrik Schalk Bezuidenhout (1827-1896) and Anna Margaretha Dorothy Berry (1831-1893)

Mary Ann Bezuidenhout (1854-1932)
Cornelia Maria (ca 1858- )
Wijnand Allen Bezuidenhout (1868-1921)
Alette Wilhelmina Brand Bezuidenhout (1869-1931)


[NF1532] He married just outside Fort Victoria in a laager and had the wedding registered at St Mary’s Cathedral in Salisbury.

Cathedral Church of St Mary and All Saints on 18 June 1896. Info is held at the Cathedral, Salisbury, Marriage Register, December 1891 – September 1908 (in National Archives) Rhodesia.

[21824] [S408] Rhodesians Worldwide magazine, Volume 18 No. 1

[21825] [S409] Ann Gallagher

[21826] [S237] Death Certificate

[21827] [S409] Ann Gallagher

[21828] [S237] Death Certificate

[51082] [S409] Ann Gallagher