Father: Sinforiano HIPOL (*26 Nov 1908 +22 Jan 1993)
Mother: Marion Alwina ERLWEIN (*15 Oct 1924 +9 Feb 1968)

Michael Donald HIPOL (Private)

Wife 1 : Petra WISSEROTH

  1.  Angela HIPOL (Private)
Wife 2 : Shanda HELL

  1.  Candice HIPOL
Wife 3 : Kelly AUSTIN

  1.  Jared HIPOL
  2.  Amy HIPOL
Wife 4 : Pamela BUNCH

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                         |                        |_____________________________
 _Sinforiano HIPOL ______|
|                        |                         _____________________________
|                        |________________________|
|                                                 |_____________________________
|--Michael Donald HIPOL 
|                                                  _Louis W ERLWEIN ____________
|                         _Dewey Marion ERLWEIN __|
|                        |                        |_Minnie POLZIN ______________
|_Marion Alwina ERLWEIN _|
                         |                         _Albert Carl Herman SCHREIB _+
                         |_Alwina Hedwig SCHREIB _|
                                                  |_Ida Anna HEINDORFER ________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[19710] Private

[50941] [S303] A Short Span of Family History by dewy Erlwein and Nancy Martininez