_Hans Joachim SCHREIP _+ _Joh. Jochen SCHREIP _| | |_ STROPP ______________ _Ferdinand Herman Fr. SCHREIB _| | | _______________________ | |_ SCHMIDT ____________| | |_______________________ | |--Hermann W Rigi SCHREIB | | _______________________ | ______________________| | | |_______________________ |_Emelia FREIER ________________| | _______________________ |______________________| |_______________________
Complete list of names in tree
URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.
Herman was an only child. Family is said to come from Großbuchholz (near Perleberg)
Was taken to Buchenwald concentration camp and came back but never fully recovered
according to Alice Ahrendt (wife of his son Hans)
[19245] [S294] AliceSchreib.FTW
[19246] [S272] Dellermann chart
[19247] [S280] Karola Kaspschak
[19248] [S295] Gravestone in Viesicke
[19249] [S294] AliceSchreib.FTW
[19250] [S272] Dellermann chart
[19251] [S295] Gravestone in Viesicke
[19252] [S294] AliceSchreib.FTW
[19253] [S295] Gravestone in Viesicke
[19254] [S294] AliceSchreib.FTW
[19257] [S342] Fred-Norbert Schreib
[19259] [S294] AliceSchreib.FTW
[19260] [S272] Dellermann chart