Father: Joachim Kurt Robert SCHREIB (*13 Jun 1938 +9 Jan 2007)
Mother: Virginia Ann RATHERT (Private)

Michelle Lynn SCHREIB (Private)

Husband 1 : Timothy DELLEMANN

  1. +Aimee Nicole DELLEMANN (Private)
  2.  Alexander DELLEMANN (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                              _Robert Adolf Franz SCHREIB ______+
                                _Werner Karl Robert SCHREIB _|
                               |                             |_Elise Anna Charlotte MANTEUFFEL _
 _Joachim Kurt Robert SCHREIB _|
|                              |                              __________________________________
|                              |_Charlotte Ilse GüNTHER ____|
|                                                            |__________________________________
|--Michelle Lynn SCHREIB 
|                                                             __________________________________
|                               _____________________________|
|                              |                             |__________________________________
|_Virginia Ann RATHERT ________|
                               |                              __________________________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[2569] Private

[50903] [S279] Michelle Schreib