William BROOKS (*1890 +1973)

Wife 1 : Jessie Christina LABRUM
  1.  Raymond William BROOKS (*1918 )
  2.  Zeither Marion BROOKS (*1920 )
  3.  Owen Mervyn BROOKS (*1922 )
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
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Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[19502] [John&Elenor onwards.FTW]

Jessie & William were married at the Registrar's Office in Huntly by A.Mathews. The witnesse s were John BUNT, Lyon St, Frankton Junction, and George CUNNINGHAM, Greenwood St, Frankton , both Coal Miners from Frankton. William's occupation was a Miner same as his father. Jessi e is noted as a Spinster.

[NF579] [John&Elenor onwards.FTW]

Jessie & William were married at the Registrar's Office in Huntly. Thewitnesses were John Bun t, Lyon St, Frankton Junction, and GeorgeCunningham, Greenwood St, Frankton, both Coal Miner s from Frankton. TheOfficiating Registrar was A Mathews.
Present & usual residence: William - Huntly, Jessie - Huntly.

[19498] [S3] Marlene O'Neil

[19499] [S3] Marlene O'Neil

[19500] [S71] NZ death 'fiche

[19501] [S3] Marlene O'Neil

[56507] [S3] Marlene O'Neil