Father: Thomas George LABRUM (*22 Mar 1844 +12 Mar 1923)
Mother: Maria Ann GOUGH (*25 Mar 1854 +13 Dec 1932)

Jesse LABRUM (*4 Feb 1888 +12 Mar 1955)

Wife 1 : Elexia Belle BROWN
  1.  Flora Deon LABRUM
  2.  Victor J LABRUM (*ABT 1914 )
  3.  Velda Elexia LABRUM (*ABT 1916 )
  4.  Gordon B LABRUM (*ABT 1918 )
  5.  Jesse Leroy LABRUM (Private)
Wife 2 : Pearl Elizabeth JOBE

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                  _Henry George LABRUM _+
                         _Thomas LABRUM _________|
                        |                        |_Elizabeth DICKENS ___
 _Thomas George LABRUM _|
|                       |                         ______________________
|                       |_Elizabeth GEORGE ______|
|                                                |______________________
|--Jesse LABRUM 
|                                                 ______________________
|                        _Joseph Hollings GOUGH _|
|                       |                        |______________________
|_Maria Ann GOUGH ______|
                        |                         ______________________
                        |_Sarah WALKER __________|

Complete list of names in tree

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[19232] [S74] Kathy Lee Graham

[19233] [S558] Ancestral File

[19234] [S46] Mary Taylor

[19235] [S558] Ancestral File

[19236] [S558] Ancestral File

[56187] [S558] Ancestral File

[56188] [S46] Mary Taylor

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