Father: Horst John Friedrich KOOPMAN ( +Apr 2005)
Mother: Heidi SCHULTZ (*6 Mar 1943 +23 Mar 2023)

Britta KOOPMAN (Private)

Husband 1 : Ralf BöLKE

  1.  Kristina BöLKE (Private)
  2.  Torben BöLKE (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                |                                      |____________________________
 _Horst John Friedrich KOOPMAN _|
|                               |                                       ____________________________
|                               |______________________________________|
|                                                                      |____________________________
|--Britta KOOPMAN 
|                                                                       _Hans Wilhelm Carl SCHULTZ _+
|                                _Heinz SCHULTZ _______________________|
|                               |                                      |_Helene Marie Emilie KROME _+
|_Heidi SCHULTZ ________________|
                                |                                       ____________________________
                                |_Elsbeth Maria Frederike MATTHIEßEN _|

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[2100] Private