Father: Hans KRUEGER (*1642 +26 Apr 1686)
Mother: Thrina SCHREIP (*1640 +29 Sep 1687)

Dorothea KRUEGER (*21 Feb 1672 )

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                  |               |___________
 _Hans KRUEGER ___|
|                 |                ___________
|                 |_______________|
|                                 |___________
|--Dorothea KRUEGER 
|                                  _ SCHREIP _
|                  _Chim SCHREIP _|
|                 |               |___________
|_Thrina SCHREIP _|
                  |                ___________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[1694] Dorothea Seyers, Merten Schreipens Frau; Thrin, Hans Schwartz seel. Stiefmutter; Gertraud Schwartz auf Perleberg; Jochim Blumenthal; Mertin der Leinenwebr allhier;


[1692] [S270] Friedhelm Hann + Ingeburg Wittholz

[1693] [S270] Friedhelm Hann + Ingeburg Wittholz