Father: Hans Wilhelm Carl SCHULTZ (*19 Dec 1891 +18 Sep 1958)
Mother: Helene Marie Emilie KROME (*6 Sep 1893 +9 Dec 1969)

Günther SCHULTZ (*1 Feb 1920 +28 Aug 1944)

Wife 1 : Elsabeth

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                                      _Johann Peter Friedrich SCHULTZ _____+
                              _Carl Friedrich Mantos SCHULTZ ________|
                             |                                       |_Maria Dorothea DAVIDSEN ____________+
 _Hans Wilhelm Carl SCHULTZ _|
|                            |                                        _Jacob Wilhelm SCHLüTER ____________+
|                            |_Bertha Catharina Elisabeth SCHLüTER _|
|                                                                    |_Johanna Maria Elisabeth BARTTRAM ___+
|--Günther SCHULTZ 
|                                                                     _Johann Heinrich Conrad David KROME _
|                             _Wilhelm Heinrich Christian KROME _____|
|                            |                                       |_Christina Henriette Maria RIEGE ____
|_Helene Marie Emilie KROME _|
                             |                                        _Friedrich Wilhelm BARTEL ___________
                             |_Anna Ida BARTEL ______________________|
                                                                     |_Caroline Wilhelmine JENTZSCH _______

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[1112] from http://www.volksbund.de/graebersuche/detailansicht.html?tx_igverlustsuche_pi2%5Bgid%5D=9e9a79c9aa92d2b5bd4101ba1bb7687e&cHash=7be851f6457c0f7b7fd21d980fbe0eb0

Nachname: Schultz
Todes-/Vermisstenort: Kupiski Nowe

[1109] [S44] Helga Schultz

[1110] [S44] Helga Schultz

[1111] [S44] Helga Schultz