Father: Walter Ewald Ludwig BACKSTEIN (*10 Jun 1920 +16 Apr 1994)
Mother: Ingeborg GRIESBACH (*7 Dec 1923 +21 Jan 2008)

Barbel BACKSTEIN (Private)

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                            _Wilhelm Ludwig BACKSTEIN _______________
                                  _Ewald Ludwig BACKSTEIN _|
                                 |                         |_Marie Friederike Emilie Henriette ABEL _+
 _Walter Ewald Ludwig BACKSTEIN _|
|                                |                          _________________________________________
|                                |_Bertha Amanda HENKE ____|
|                                                          |_________________________________________
|--Barbel BACKSTEIN 
|                                                           _________________________________________
|                                 _________________________|
|                                |                         |_________________________________________
|_Ingeborg GRIESBACH ____________|
                                 |                          _________________________________________

Complete list of names in tree

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[41606] Private