Father: Richard Tamblyn CRAGO (*25 Jun 1906 +12 Mar 1980)
Mother: May LEPPER (*25 Nov 1902 +19 Mar 1990)

John CRAGO (Private)

Wife 1 : Jennifer WILSON

  1.  Alison Louise CRAGO (Private)
  2.  Lynette Michelle CRAGO (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                         |                          |_______________
 _Richard Tamblyn CRAGO _|
|                        |                           _______________
|                        |__________________________|
|                                                   |_______________
|--John CRAGO 
|                                                    _John LEPPER __+
|                         _John Louis LEPPER _______|
|                        |                          |_Mary LINNELL _+
|_May LEPPER ____________|
                         |                           _______________
                         |_Annie Elizabeth BOULTON _|

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[7041] Private