Father: Glenn Earl MCALISTER (*31 May 1923 +15 Jun 1989)
Mother: Jeraldine MAHNKE (Private)

Linda Darlene MCALISTER

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                        |                              |_______________________
 _Glenn Earl MCALISTER _|
|                       |                               _______________________
|                       |______________________________|
|                                                      |_______________________
|--Linda Darlene MCALISTER 
|                                                       _Herman Julius MAHNKE _
|                        _Leslie Edward Robert MAHNKE _|
|                       |                              |_Edina Mary ABEL ______+
|_Jeraldine MAHNKE _____|
                        |                               _______________________
                        |_Verna Leona GORKA ___________|

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[38259] [S978] GEDCOM file June 2023

[38258] [S926] Linda Mewis