Father: Maynard Kenneth SCHREIB (*22 Nov 1930 +30 Oct 1988)
Mother: Lois May SPENCER (*13 Feb 1933 +8 Aug 2021)

Mary Jane BARKLEY (Private)

Husband 1 : Paul Gerard BATTAGLIA

  1. +Amy Lynn BATTAGLIA (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                                      _August Friedrich Wilhelm SCHREIB _+
                            _Raymond Herman SCHREIB _|
                           |                         |_Augusta DETTMAN __________________
 _Maynard Kenneth SCHREIB _|
|                          |                          ___________________________________
|                          |_Kathryn Mae FRECH ______|
|                                                    |___________________________________
|--Mary Jane BARKLEY 
|                                                     ___________________________________
|                           _________________________|
|                          |                         |___________________________________
|_Lois May SPENCER ________|
                           |                          ___________________________________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[34046] Private