Father: Martin SCHREIP (*1635 +13 Jun 1720)
Mother: Anna GRELL (*1644 +27 Dec 1708)

Dorothea SCHREIP (*4 Jan 1672 )

Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
                                      _ SCHREIP _
                   _Juergen SCHREIP _|
                  |                  |___________
 _Martin SCHREIP _|
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|                                    |___________
|--Dorothea SCHREIP 
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|                 |                  |___________
|_Anna GRELL _____|
                  |                   ___________

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


[6855] Jochim Kruegers Frau, Kreutzburg; M. Martin N., Leinewebers Frau aus Gr.Linde; Klaus Grellen Frau; Kersten Siepe; Hans Bockmann, Schaeferknecht;


[6853] [S270] Friedhelm Hann + Ingeburg Wittholz

[6854] [S270] Friedhelm Hann + Ingeburg Wittholz