Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web
_Juergen SCHREIP _|
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_Martin SCHREIP _|
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|--Dorothea SCHREIP
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|_Anna GRELL _____|
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Complete list of names in tree
URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.
Jochim Kruegers Frau, Kreutzburg; M. Martin N., Leinewebers Frau aus Gr.Linde; Klaus Grellen Frau; Kersten Siepe; Hans Bockmann, Schaeferknecht;
Friedhelm Hann + Ingeburg Wittholz
Data extraced from church records by Friedhelm Hann of Berlin, pieced together by Ingeburg Wittholz
Friedhelm Hann + Ingeburg Wittholz
Data extraced from church records by Friedhelm Hann of Berlin, pieced together by Ingeburg Wittholz