Mary HEDGE (*ABT 1761 +1820)

Husband 1 : William LEPPER
  1.  Elizabeth LEPPER (*1785 +5 Jan 1859)
  2.  Mary LEPPER
  3. +Catherine LEPPER (*13 Dec 1783 )
  4.  William LEPPER (*6 May 1787 +18 Aug 1869)
  5. +Thomas LEPPER (*17 Apr 1797 +18 Mar 1860)
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Complete list of names in tree

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[17332] Burila: Age 59 years. Identified as wife of William the butcher of Blisworth.

[17329] [S198] Andrew Parker (NZ)

[17330] [S198] Andrew Parker (NZ)

[17331] [S198] Andrew Parker (NZ)

[50776] [S198] Andrew Parker (NZ)

[50777] [S521] NRO (British National Records Office)

[50778] [S640] Paulerspury parish register transcription, Free UK Genealogy