Philip BAILEY (*ABT 1844 +19 Jun 1931)

Wife 1 : Mary Ann LABRUM

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[19635] [John&Elenor onwards.FTW]

Philip BAILEY came to New Zealand with his first wife Harriet nee PEARSON, and two daughters . This family had another five girls born in New Zealand. Unfortunately Harriet died from com plications from the last childbirth and died at the early age of 40 years. At the time of he r death, five of the girls were still living aged from 5yrs to 20yrs. I have traced these gir ls who were left to their grandparents to raise, although the eldest daughter was married an d kept an eye on her sisters.
Philip seems to have meet Mary Ann about 1893 in Napier. On the 1903-08 Masterton Roll they a ppear as Philip Bailey, Masterton, Labourer and Hepzybah Annette Bailey, Masterton, Cook. The n on the 1911 Napier Roll, Philip and Hepzybah Annette Bailey appear as living at Mc Vay St reet, Philip was a Labourer and Hepzybah was married. From 1919 until 1928 Philip was livin g in Empire Street, Dannevirke with Mary Ann LABRUM who became his wife legally in 1920. The y were married at their house and Mary Ann's son, John Caraus LAVEROCK and his wife, Minnie , were their witnesses.
Philip eventually lived with this couple until he was admitted to hospital. Below is the Coro ner's report on his death.
THE examination and depositions of witnesses severally taken upon oath before W.H.Woodward Es qr., one of the Coroners of the Dominion of New Zealand [or a Justice of the Peace acting a s one of His Majestys Coroner] at the dwellinghouse of Porirua Mental Hospital at Porirua, i n the Provincial District of Wellington in the dominion
aforesaid, on Saturday the 20th day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirty one touchin g the death of Philip Bailey whose body is now lying at Porirua Mental Hospital. This deponen t, Archibald Turner McLeod Blair on his oath, saith as follows;
I am a duly qualified medical practitioner and assistant medical officer to the Porirua Menta l Hospital. I knew the deceased, Philip Bailey. He was committed on the 30th December 1930 b y order of Mr J.S.Barton, Stipendiary Magistrate, on the medical certificates of Drs P.McEved y and D.Brown of Wellington. He was admitted to this
Institution on the 30th December 1930 suffering from senile dementia and was in frail bodil y health. Examination showed a bed sore from long confinement to bed before admission. The he art was much enlarged. He has been gradually failing in health and has been confined to bed d uring the whole of the time he has been here. He has suffered from repeated bronchitic attack s, during the past week he suffered from a very severe attack of bronchitis with irregularit y of the heart. He was given cough mixture and stimulants but became weaker and died at 4.3 0 a.m. on 19th June 1931 in the presence of Attendant Miles. The sore over the sacrum which w as present on admission had almost completely healed up at the time of his death. Death was d ue to Cardio-vascular degeneration and Acute Bronchitis. Deceased was 87 years of age, widowe d, a labourer by occupation and was formerly an inmate of the Home for Incurables, Wellington . He was last visited on the 13th June 1931 by his daughter-in-law Mrs J.C.Laverick of 1 Buck ley Rd. Melrose, Wellington and the relatives have been informed of the death.
signed by A.T.M.Blair

THE foregoing depositions of Archibald Turner McLeod Blair written on two pages of paper, num bered consecutively from one to two, and by me fixed together were taken and sworn before me , at Porirua on the 20th day of June 1931.
signed by W H Woodward.
AN INQUISITION taken for our Sovereign Lord the King, at Porirua Mental Hospital at Porirua , of Wellington in the said Dominion, on the 20th day of June in the year of our Lord one tho usand nine hundred and thirty-one, before W.H.Woodward, Esquire, one of the Coroners of our S overeign Lord the King and the said Dominion, on view of the body of Philip Bailey, then an d there lying dead: and the said Coroner, having inquired, for our
Lord the King, when, where, and by what means the said Philip Bailey came to his death, dot h find that deceased died at the Porirua Mental Hospital on the 19th day of June, 1931, the c ause of death being cardio-vascular degeneration and acute bronchitis.
Signed by W.H.Woodward.

[19630] [S3] Marlene O'Neil

[19631] [S45] Family John Bailey New Zealand

[19632] [S3] Marlene O'Neil

[19633] [S455] Death Cert

[19634] [S3] Marlene O'Neil

[56500] [S32] Marriage Cert.

[56501] [S3] Marlene O'Neil