Lois Edeleen BOULTER (*23 Feb 1928 +13 May 1991)

Husband 1 : Clifford Merlin GRAHAM

  1. +Kathy Lee GRAHAM (Private)
  2. +James Kelley GRAHAM (Private)
  3.  Carol Ann GRAHAM (Private)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.


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Lois Eddeline Boulter was born and educated in the Pleasant Grove area. Her parents were Lionel Amber Boulter and Pearl Eddeline Carlson. She had one brother, Lionel Amber Boulter, and four sisters, Berneice, Leah, Joy and Carol.

Her dad was away a lot of the time when she was growing up through the depression years. He traveled from place to place, looking for work. Lois worked in the fields picking fruit during her high school years to earn money for clothes.

She met and married Weldon Marrott just after high school. She had four children with him, Susan, Laurie, Eddie and little Butch. She and Weldon later divorced.

Lois moved to Salt Lake City where she met Clifford Merlin Graham. They were married him in Las Vegas Nevada and eventually settled in Brigham City Utah.

She and Cliff were respected members of the community and civic leaders. She served as president of the Brigham City Jayceetts. She worked very hard in this capacity, serving the community in many ways.

She worked for many years with the local cub scouts as a den mother. She was gifted in the art of homemaking, She loved needlework, and painting. She painted beautiful pictures on canvas. She even free-hand painted Disney scenes on the kid's bedroom walls.

She was a compassionate friend of animals. She was an avid reader. She loved her pet dogs. She loved the horses out back, even when one of them bit her bottom when she was bent over in the garden pulling weeds. She hated animal cruelty of any kind. She was an accomplished organist and filled the house with hours of beautiful music. She enjoyed gardening. She grew the most beautiful vegetable gardens every year and proudly served to her family delicious dinners "entirely out of the garden." She loved to work in the yard and grew beautiful flowers for the family to enjoy.

She had many dear friends, and loved little children. She babysat her friends' children for many years.

She had a wonderful sense of humor and was able to laugh at herself and whatever came her way. She had a funny laugh and would burst into song at the drop of a hat. She even sang when she was sad. She worried about her family every day, went through their daily struggles with them, rejoiced in their successes.

She collected teddy bears and porcelain dolls in her later years and loved each and every one. She cherished her neighbors and friends. She created many beautiful crafts and gave them to her friends and family. She fashioned entire turn of the century villages from wood scraps and painted them by hand. Her hand-made Christmas ornaments were works of art. She made corn husk dolls, father Christmas figures, and many other hand made items. Those treasured crafts, which remain in our homes, remind us of our loving mother and friend, who we miss every day.

[15438] [S74] Kathy Lee Graham

[15439] [S74] Kathy Lee Graham

[15440] [S74] Kathy Lee Graham

[15441] [S74] Kathy Lee Graham

[15442] [S74] Kathy Lee Graham

[56453] [S74] Kathy Lee Graham