Charlotte Elizabeth THIEL (*5 Jul 1898 +15 Dec 1943)

Husband 1 : Georg Willy SCHREIB
  1. +Robert George SCHREIB (*16 Sep 1926 +22 Apr 2020)
  2. +Arthur Richard SCHREIB (*10 Apr 1928 +21 Oct 2002)
  3. +George SCHREIB (Private)
  4. +Charlotte Mae SCHREIB (*30 Apr 1931 +26 May 2020)
  5. +Bette Marie SCHREIB (*2 Jun 1934 +4 Jul 1994)
  6. +Arnold Henry SCHREIB (*30 Dec 1935 +15 Feb 2009)
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
Personal details of people who may be living are NOT placed on the web

Complete list of names in tree

URL changed? Try Dale or Debbie's tree home site.

[9061] Role: Occupant

[9055] [S2] Marian Gabel

[9056] [S2] Marian Gabel

[9057] [S545] Arnold Henry Schreib

[9058] [S349] Petition for Naturalization

[9059] [S2] Marian Gabel

[9060] [S545] Arnold Henry Schreib

[9062] [S692] Ancestry records captured by George Blistain

[9063] [S452] 1930 United States Federal Census

[9064] [S349] Petition for Naturalization

[50636] [S349] Petition for Naturalization